KAIMOSIN FORTE TABLET contains Trypsin-Chymotrypsin which belongs to the group of medicines called Proteolytic enzymes. It is used to manage post-operative wounds, necrotic tissue, oedema and haematomas like auricular septal hematoma, nasal fractures, parapharyngeal abscess, management of inflammation of the surgical stitches, pelvic inflammatory disease, caesarean section, episiotomy, hysterectomy, tooth extraction, peri-apical abscess, ocular trauma include fluid build-up in the macula (macular oedema), hyphema (collection of blood in eye), black eye, inflammation of uveal tract (uveitis), broken blood vessels (subconjunctival haemorrhage), degenerative joint disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, spondylosis, spondylarthritis, pain management, maxillofacial surgery, post-traumatic oedema, soft tissue injury, fractures and dislocation, sports injuries, muscle and joint pain with swelling, sciatica, and sprains and strains.
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